Friday, April 24, 2015

What's in a Name ?


" Half of what I say is Meaningless 
But I say it just to Reach You 
Julia ..... "

John Lennon / Paul McCartney
{ Beatles' White Album}

All-Time Favorite Phrases from a Beatles love song ..... Looking for a real-life Julia ? .....
Why Not ?

Immortal Beatles lyrics {and tunes} are not that difficult to come by, since there's thousands o' them
{ carved out in peoples' psyche's [even] - if I may say so  - remembered for all-time } 

Now, Having having an image to complement random lyrics (for whatever reason)  - In the context of one's personal life - Well,  Each to his [or her] own then .....

There is a "new Julia" (a favorite subject, at the very least !) in my life now - hmmm - Whatever .....

My other "other Julia" passed away last year, January of 2014 .....

Her name was [IS] Julianna Lydia Beltran - my mom.

brosi gonzales

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