Wednesday, June 15, 2016


The Few and Far Between
A few reposts here to remind me self .....

.......  that my imagery should constantly evolve and improve, ergo I have to find new ways to Challenge my SkillZ  --- on a casual day-to-day basis, testing how i "see" things, visualize and all - even by just looking around my environs as i go about town, doing this and that - ha ha.

Can one easily decipher/identify the bottom portion of the image above and its "discrepancy/incongruency" w the upper portion ? ?
Hope Not !  ha ha ha

When i get to craft a "straight photograph" - capturing a {at times so very, very fleeting, even} moment, as it actually appeared - and SANS photo shop or any alteration whatsoever ! - come up with a "close to surreal" {sana!} image [above] - it IS totally gratifying.

Feeling ko - I've learned something new, at least.

Probably, most people don't really appreciatte the skill, art, and effort in the three images above [2 of which, are reposts] - but - it's OK - as long as I feel I had

 {at least, at the moment i visualized and interpreted these "scapes"} 

 challenged my imagination, tried something new {made a mistake or two, even, in the process} - whatever - and at least come up with "something sunstantial" - ha - I'm ready for the next opp.

Gotta Move Forward - even it's just "very tiny" incremental steps.

brosi gonzales

streetphotography cityscapes urbanlandscape lowlightphotography nightphotography makaticity ayalaavenue
avaiationphotography naia3 philippineairlines 

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