Tuesday, May 27, 2014

"No LooK" Analogue Images

 "SPOTS" from My Past
Stolen POrtraiTS, that is 
[there's more where these came from]

Oft, we are advised to "forget the past", because we cannot change it - and not be overly concerned about the future, because we cannot truly control what will happen tomorrow, or the next day .. etc., etc. .....  and what truly matters is the NOW .... Right ??  

Yes, that does make "sensible sense".  I believe that.  Still, there is a particular period in my past - that I've "left behind", so to speak, but simply will not forget.   That chapter of my life I'm referring to are those extremely tough, early, "learning" years of my photography  - when  I taught myself  [and STILL DO [in a digital kind of way], to this very day !!]   portraiture.  Yes, color negative film and Black & White negative film, AND manual focus lenses - were the tools of the trade - then.

Now, even as I keep pace - even faster AND faster these days [w/ technology's exponential growth] with contemporary photography - I occasionally am reminded [and still sentimentally cherish] my film days - particularly so - whenever I come visit these "Black & White Portraiture" internet sites.

They simply bring me back to where AND HOW I learned, and fell in love, with this art form we call ->Portraiture.

So - just after logging off from another "Black & White Portraiture " internet site - I just had to revisit my archives  ...

 { Sure, I've actually posted most of these analogue images, at one time or another in my first ever blog "www.brosigonzales.blogspot.com" or at THIS current blog [which I started last August of 2012]  BUT I never really get "sawa" looking at them. They continually challenge me to take my imagery to a higher level --> Technically AND Artistically - EVERY SINGLE photo opp I have.

That's just me  and that's just how I FEEL NOW - ergo, this "on a whim" post of random analogue images  ....  from my past.      

Belgian Girls

Former Close Friend


Spanish Siblings

Former "Love of My Life"






 Current "Love of My Life" 
My One and Only Nephew
-> Nace
[film portrait taken 1997]

brosi gonzales

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