Saturday, May 10, 2014


Backlits Always Beats the Blues

Always busy.  Always a playdate in my calendar - PBA, UFL, Shakey's V-League, Super Liga, Pinay Futbal, the occasional press brief, the trip down South, the trip to Singapore [to visit or to shoot-or Both ?] ---  whatever  --- Something always comes up - It CAN be ALL fine - It CAN be ALL Good - but thing is ---ONLY,  if things are balanced, professionally AND personally  ...

As if I don't already know - Ya Can't Please  Everybody - No Matter How You Try - even if one's Intentions are totally Noble & Sincere -- I still get surprised/ reminded, sometimes unpleasantly -  How True that is.

There will always be,  "so called " professionals, on high positions - that are totally Unprofessional and Unfair, mind you - and one sometimes wonders - How in the Hell did he get that position, and /or credential, in the first place ? - When He IS so Totally, and Truly - once you actually get to know the guy - A Jerk !!  - who has an attitude problem, takes his employees, for slaves - and really doesn't give photographers, like me , the respect due us.

It's just that, that's just what I've been experiencing lately.

 Well whatever  - STILL, There are those - naman - Who, out of the blue - so to speak, "pleasantly surprise me" with their professionalism, fairness - and just plain "niceness" - given a work/project opp, that brings us together .

And - It is just so relieving, indeed, to be reminded, that there a lot of genuinely Nice People Around =

------- Ganoon talag mga Pre - Pag na disillusion ka sa mga ibang tao - mas napapansin mo yoong talagang matitinong tao - at kung sino rin talaga ang mga kaibigan mo ------- 

= and I'm just glad to have worked with one such person very recently - And - he's just cool [inside out] - Sana, we got to work together  again, in another project ->soon ! These guys are just so Refreshing to work with

And now, having let off steam - I just feel lighter, and less "blue".

Backlit Gymnasts

 SO - Whats with the Title of this blog post, then ?

I'm just saying how only a select - - very few -- Images from a gruelling 8-10 hour "shoot-day"  - can help me "forget the blues" , so to speak - and counters the  stress from work - and the negativity I get from these "jerks" which I have, sometimes, have to deal with - in my work - and sometimes, also - gotta admit, the deep sentiment I have to deal with  - when I do get to really miss my friends  { I do have a good friend  - who I've actually seen ONLY ONCE ! in the past year -> That's 12 long, long months  } -  Sigh  - i really don't wanna dwell in to that - but it does factor in, too -!!


I Like Pictures, that are not only nice - But pictures that show skill  ....
- I've always been a sucker for backlit images - particularly the ones, that come from unexpected moments - like, when I'm given this very brief - window of time - usually less than a minute - at times - more often than not - just a few fleeting seconds. literally - {lest the moment be gone forever }!!!  to craft a shot, or two - that will simply outshine the rest.


 I'm always challenged whenever trying to capture the "silver lining",
 in all things backlit.

Can you imagine, if somehow, the shadows would have been so much 
darker ?? - yup, that would have the image above, even so much more dramatic !!

My other hundreds of gymnastics action images [which I still have to sift through] - even my ONE FC and Muay Thai, and my PBA action images -  they can wait, for now.  These types of standout, few-and-far-between, on-the-spot, behind-the-scenes images. They're all good - Stuff that's nice to share ASAP -- Oops! - I just remembered - I still have a few Lady Eagles B-t-Scenes images from 2 weeks ago !! - along with some light-hearted FEU Tamarraws [basketball team] on-the-spots too ...

Gotta release them soon, soon, soon -Just seeing nice b-t-scenes images, portraits or what-not - somehow helps me beat the blues, blues, blues.

brosi gonzales

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