Saturday, June 04, 2016


That Which Smashes
- Now ......  High Key or Low-Key ? -

Based on my google/wikipedia searches, and Norse Mythology, "Mjolnir" literally means -> "that which smashes".  "Mjolnir" {roughly pronounced ->"miol-nir"} is also the name of Thor's uru hammer.
{uru is a type of metal, not of this earth, tho}

Now, why am i bringing up this topic ? 

Fact is , i took a few portraits of a 3 year old boy ----- nicknamed "Miol" 
[a practical spin-off/version {easier to spell}of "Mjolnir"] by his parents Ralph and Trina ----- during the "brunch hour", earlier today.

 - Miol -

Besides Miol, it was also "Bucky", his younger brother, who i managed to take intimate close-ups of

Here ya go little one ..... 

- Bucky -
- A Rare Opp with a "Fragile Dude" -

Know what ---  twas not that simple, crafting this image, considering the lighting situation, and the time i had, to shoot close-ups of this "not-even-3-weeks-old-yet" child.

Would i do high-key OR low-key lighting with Bucky ?

I opted to do high-key, go soft on the "fragile dude"

With Miol, the older one, I decided to go low-key {see first photo}

..... Wouldda been great if I had more time to spare with the brothers, ergo - produce more solo images of Bucky and Miol, and of course, twosomes - thing was, Miol was so restless, ergo, 'twas hard to get the right angles for him AND Bucky [to have the natural light caress Bucky's face and produce a high-key effect - "just right", so to speak].

With barely seconds to spare, Miol being so restless, and Bucky starting to cry  - I managed one single decent twosome ......  

{before the scenario turned so "unfit for portraits"}
{i shot 4-5 frames - and only one ended up acceptable to me ! - pilit na pilit kasi ang ngiti ni Miol doon sa ibang kuha - he looked so uncomfortable !}

 ...... of the brothers ...


thank you, Trina, for helping me out 

Not a "smashing" image, if i might call that 
SOULful enough, at least - hopefully

- beso -

-  a 3-year-old kisses a 3-week-old  -
  - SOULful, not Smashing -

brosi gonzales

godslight availablelightportraiture soulful soulfulportriats simpleyetsoulful ralphaligada trinaaligada

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