Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Just One of those Nights

"Fallen Tears and Shattered Stars"

Maybe it's the weather, or maybe I've been missing my mom again, or maybe a friend has all of a sudden "disappeared into thin air" again,  or maybe I have'nt really been able to create the images I truly, truly want [as of late] or I haven't made tangible progress with "that other type" of photography - more so  - It just might be all of the  above .......

Sure, the context of my blogposts, sports or otherwise, has always been that of happiness, and simply having a good time - BUT Truth be Told I'd really like to create more moody {bordering on sad, and experiencing sorrow and profound emotional pain - even} images  Hey !, NOT that I want my life to go in that direction - No, no, no !! - Certainly Not ! -- But Real Life IS and WILL always be  ----- Ebb and Flow / Night and Day / {and as in sports} Win Some , Lose Some / Laughing and Crying / Loving and Leaving {what a "descript", that is!} - and Reconciling - Ha ! -----  Wether w like it or not.

I just want to have more "Not So happy" photos {even just for variety AND art's sake}   - and Again - NOT that I want to go there - I just want more images that convey the Human Condition [which is a mixture of good and bad - right?]  Now, how will I ever accomplish that ?- That remains to be seen - That's my call.

I'm just sharing this sentiment - thinking out loud - in this "uncharacteristic" post.  Hope that these two abstract images might just come close enough to convey my moods, as of late.

"A Certain Sadness"

Temporary as the feeling might be - {my life certainly ain't hunky dory}{so far from it} -  
Gotta deal with the blues every now and then -  Admitting it, embracing it, and expressing it - does eventually help rid me of it in due time - then, I move on.

brosi gonzales

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