Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Pastel Portraits in the PBA Press Room

Respect, Admiration 
- and Gratitude

What comes to mind, when I use the word "PASTEL" ?  - Besides the visualization of Soft Hues of Pink, Avocado Green, Light Blue, Light Orange, Mellow Yellows, Pinks, Powder Blues and all - I think of SUBTLETY - As in
{vernacularly speaking} ---> Suwabe, at magaan ang dating - Hindi sumisigaw ang mga kulay, Hindi sumisigaw na mapansin  ...

Now, How then, do the subtitles of "Respect, Admiration, Gratitude" figure in this blog feat ? - Following a heading such as "Pastel Portraits in the PBA Press Room" ??

 J A

 K D C

 S V

These "pastel-flavored"  on-the-spot Images, at first glance might be seemingly mundane/insignificant  {w/ my subjects glued to their laptops}
 --> But they SO Are NOT !  -----

---- If I can deftly give them Soul.

They Still are What They are, though - Stolen Portraits with muted hues
[though I feel the first three images  -JA, KDC, and SV - are More "Pastelish" than CD or MC ]



I know these five guys well enough, acquianted with them well enough, and conversely, All of them Pretty Much know what makes me Tick { laugh or cry -- Hahaha ! }, and they can easly vibe into my Moods [occasionally] and ALSO Respect my Portraiture SkillZ  {muy importante para me}.

With my butt pressed on one corner of the PBA Press Room, during a half-Time Break, taking their on-the-spots is simply Second Nature to me - and that Doesn't surprise them [knowing me]  the least bit anymore, regardless the scenario -  a PBA match, a bar, a Press Con or any location/scenario whatsoever.

That's Just me - too, NOT ONLY, to photograph  [point my lens, focus, then press my DSLR shutter]   what I  [or anyone around me] can Physically See but to Essentially  "Weave-In", "Inject", at least Hint, what I Feel - a Sentiment -
a Vibe - an Emotion - 

by using Subtleties AND Nuances in Texture, Hues and Angles, if only to inject some soul into erstwhile "mundane" images.

These resulting images don't Scream for Attention - But they Speak,
None the Less

And, at the Very Least, as far as I'm concerned, they are an "articulation" of
Respect, Admiration - and Gratitude for these friends of mine
--- In More Ways than One.

You, the Viewer, NEED NOT Perceive/Understand the True Context,
Soul and Substance  [even Motive] of my images {particularly my portraits} -

As long as you appreciatte them enough as good photographs 
- It IS Fine by Me

 brosi gonzales

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