Monday, April 25, 2016

Random Releases, Random Sentiments

Maria Tessa, Chelo Marie
and the 

It's not so much about particular people, or groups of people - that my recent and next few posts [from the weekend just passed] are {and will be} about  ......

 { of course, i'm concerned bout the Technical AND Artistic Synergy in my images - But, my images and ramblings are just tools i'm using to share - not only things SEEN, but more so, things FELT }

I read somewhere, and I'm sure YOU've all read that yourselves, at one point in time, have - that, what you say and do [in the company of people] always matters, BUT it's how you make them feel eventually, at the end of the day [or night - ha ha} 
--- after all has been said and done - that truly counts.

Well, whatever - Maybe, I'm just trying to sound cool and articulate - who really cares ?
Tell Me.
At the least, I continuously pray, that posts such as these - will illicit a measure of emotion - if so - i'll be fine with that -
There's an endless number of posts yet to be shared

yes, I'm posting, based on my whims, here   ....
I don't want to "deliberately plan" what to share next
Bahala na talaga - what images I'll feel like posting - or what words 
i'll end up articulating   -  gonna "play it by ear" 
next up ? ..... whatever

brosi gonzales

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