Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Falling in Love With .....

Available Light 
and its

One can so easily see that the image above and
 the one below ---  are worlds apart.

One is "sporty" / the other is "moody"
One is Digital  /  the other is Analogue
One is Color / the other is Black & White

The IMAGE above was captured by a high tech sensor and 
transferred electronically to a  CF Card.

The IMAGE below was captured on a film negative surface,  the "film" negative, being a sheet of acetate like/transparent material coated with a "film", more like a fine layer, of silver halide crystals, which when exposed to light - react.

Now, the film, after being exposed - or rather, after the image "pattern"  [in the form of light]   passes through a camera's lenses and hits [exposes] the film surface, the crystals react, based on the oncoming, projected "image pattern".

When this film, thereafter, is processed chemically, in a darkroom, the "image pattern " becomes "fixed" and permanent [meaning that it can't erased].  The film frame, now, with a permanent "image" [or Picture] can be placed in a projector and the image is yes, [you guessed it !] projected on a sheet of "Black & White" paper, [much like a movie projector projects  an image on a theatre screen - only, tho, in a much, much smaller scale].

The paper,  which is also coated with highly light sensitive crystals, which, when hit with light react to it to - based on, AND taking the "image pattern". - ERGO -  the end result is a hard copy.  A PICTURE is produced, [more commonly termed --> "print" [analogue, at that].

Gets ???

That's as far as "Analogue", or Film Photography is concerned.
With Digital Photography - There's no need for me to elaborate [obviously].


So much for the "unsolicited"  mini-lecture  -- 
This post is really about is How Seeing, Observing, "Understanding" and "Reading"   LIGHT ----- [in a scenario where one intends to take stills, or even Videos] ----- AND Its NUANCES  - And How, in any given setting, the Light is Reflected, Blocked, Diffused, Filtered, Enhanced, even "discolored", bounced back, Intensified  ...  etc, etc.

And If one is Smart, and Very Experienced,  one can use Available Light MORE effectively  to "paint" the subject and eventually come out with the desired results [final image] wether on a film negative or on a CF Card.

After all, the term PHOTOGRAPHY is a blend of two terms --
"photos", meaning ->LIGHT   &  "graphos"  meaning -->WRITE
---- Ergo  --- Photography IS --->Writing with Light.

Having said ALL that .....

Might the two images above, be good examples of scenarios where the deliberate "handling", or placement, composition  AND more importantly
 ---> the  Exposure of Light, in its many "forms" - and NUANCES 
Determine the TECHNICAL  &  ARTISTIC   Quality / Merits 
of the said Images  ??

Certainly Hope So.

The Black & White Available Light Portrait -> "Joanne" - {being illuminated by the sunset, through a window }  - went all the way to the Finals in an
Asian Photo "Open Theme" Competition [years ago], during my "film days".

 See,  Guys  ....

I Love Sports Photojournalism   
I ADORE Available Light Portraiture  

Always Have - Always WILL

brosi gonzales

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