Saturday, November 22, 2014


Julia and Juliana

[Half of What I Say  . . . . .]



Who is Julia? The daughter of a client?, a Singaporean resident?, a distant relative?, my neighbor on South Bay Gardens, Sucat, my neice ? Why am I featuring her ?  No matter - What's important is that I've gotten great portraits of the fiesty 10 yr. old - as of late.

Juliana, meanwhile, is the first name of my mom - Julianna Lydia Beltran Gonzales - others call her Lydia - I call her mom, of course.  And I just wanted to share a simple heartfelt photo of my hand holding hers.

She's already gone - having passed away early this year, January 5. 

All I can say is that I've never truly missed someone the way I've missed, 
and will continually miss,  mom.

Occasionally, In her last year or so - I'd just hold a hand of mom' in mine - for extended periods .....   Just so    .......   Anyway 

Love You Mom


Having said that - Let me talk about pictures ...  for a change

 Afternoon Window Light

Like to think that my portraiture reflects my "personality" - How I value simple moments with loved ones and friends [albeit, sometimes "too busy" when you need them]. 

It's just so fulfilling for me to be able to "say it" in pictures every now and then.  [Just F____ can't get enough of it !!] Some people compose great tunes/symphonies, some people write great poetry, essays, great scripts or bestsellers - me, I just like to craft soulful images that will be "forever" [in a manner of speaking].

Among other things - I do end up being too sappy, and too sentimental [must admit] at times.  Truth be told, I occasionally write these "sometimes silly sounding poems/rhymes" and send it to a friend or two [of course - a very trusted one] just to share my sentiments about anything under the sun. 
[Of course, Besides taking their portraits - whenever possible.]

True Art always involves risk & vulnerability - [Any true artist KNOWS that] or else it wouldn't be what it is.  One can get lost in the process, fall flat on his face, falter, or even burnout trying to "strech" one's talent - [even get misinterpreted and rejected at times]  ->dude, that's real vulnerability. 

Whatever passion - writing, portraiture, poetry,  oil painting, even sports - whatever - It's only when one loves something so much, that it hurts,  that "things begin to happen" -- the Only Time  "substance"/ real juices" start to flow.

Then, through persistence and dedication - and even blind faith - one will truly evolve and grow - and one's art can take one to "places he's never been to before" [no other way to describe it]. 

Me ??, been, there, done that ?? - maybe no, maybe so ? - Basta ako, I am never satisfied w my photography.  I know that the fire in my belly will never be extinguished. Yes, It AIN'T easy but - There is always a better image waiting to be captured, a more powerful emotion wanting to be experienced - a richer life yet to be lived.

And  . . .before I forget . . . the subtitle above - What's up with that ?
What is its relevance to this talk about portraiture/art & self expression 
- you ask ?
It is a line from an old song titled {coincidentally!--> "Julia"} {from the "White Album" of a famous foursome }

- But the title is just incidental - What struck me most about a few lines of the song, was how the songwriters described so aptly - what true artists, lovers, friends, writers - anybody reaching out wantingly [sometimes w extreme difficulty - being human, that is] - - go through . . .

. . . Half of What I Say is Meaningless - 
But I Say it just to Reach You . . . Julia

-> John Lennon & Paul McCartney

Those guys not only composed timeless tunes -
they also penned very soulful lyrics

- Immortal -

brosi gonzales

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