Sunday, November 23, 2014

Lover of Life


Hello everybody !

I was asked to write a blog post about myself and my passion .  So here we go!

My name is Evelyne Erni.  I'm turning 18 in a couple of days and I live in beautiful, beautiful Switzerland, which is located in the centre of Europe. Growing up, I was surrounded by mountains and lakes,  and was constantly adventuring through the forests and exploring the world.  I never thought of myself as a creative mind.  My parents aren't artists, so Art never played a big role in my daily life.  But when I entered puberty,  I discovered that I could get completely lost whilst drawing.  I drew all night, trance like, listening to Edith Piaf's <<La vie en rose>> for hours and hours.  I created my own world with the characters I drew and finally felt I could <<make>> something entirely from scratch.  It was the first time I connected so well with a form of art.  This was in 2011.  At around the same time, I downloaded Instagram.  And that was the beginning of everything.  I discovered all of these amazing fine art photographers who created mindblowing, out of this world images.

I would have never believed such masterpieces could even be created ! Even though I had no idea how,  I instantly knew that this is what I wanted to do.  My iPhone was the only device I owned that I could take photos with.  This is an image I took (and edited) with my phone at that time !

A few months later I bought myself with all my savings a Canon EOS 600D, my first DSLR.
I photographed even more and eventually got photoshop from my parents as a Christmas gift.  I finally felt like I could create anything that was in my mind.  One of my earliest (and favorite) images is this one.

Ready To Take-Off 

It is called  <<Ready To Take Off>>, because it symbolizes how badly I want to explore this world, even if my future is uncertain.  I am so ready to experience to the fullest, may it be good or bad.  With every experience, we grow and become stronger.

Some months after I've taken this, I decided to start a 365-project, which meant taking a portrait every day for a whole year.  I started it on 1st of January 2014.  It was a very special feeling: having to learn how to <<force>> my creativity, trying to express everyday through a new image, trying to find the time to shoot and edit besides school and studying.  But I could also see how I've improved over a short period of time.  And this is what motivated me even more to keep going and giving my best.  Until at one point, I was so exhausted, lacked motivation and inspiration and even damaged my physical health, that i had to stop it.  I hope to finish it though, just not right now.  Because it taught me so much and I've gained more than I could ever express in words.  Here are some images that I created which I think represent me the best.

12/365 - Sleeping Innocence

49/365 - Relief

76/365 - Deathly Blossom

 103/365 - Sand Born

128/365 - Endless Echoes

Photography serves me as a way to express my feelings and tell stories that I think are important for me to be told.  It gives me this feeling again that i first experienced when drawing.  This feeling of making something out of nothing, just with my imagination.  It's providing me with an identity, kind of.  I don't know how to explain it, but because I create something, I feel like I am someone.  It's an unbelievably good feeling and gives me a lot of confidence. 

I often try to portray bad things in a not so obvious way, making them more beautiful with a little melancholic note.  Fear and anger and sadness are what makes me go out and shoot, so photography is a very theraputical way for me to deal with negative things.  but I don't want people who look at my images feel all of this negativity, I want them to see the positive side of it.  All of this makes me sound as if I'm a very depressed person, but in fact, I'm the far opposite of it !  

I have a very positive attitude towards life and I enjoy every single second of it.  Photography is just an outlet for all of my hidden emotions, I guess.  I therefore hope I never lose my love for it.  I don't know what the future holds for me,  but what I know for sure is that photography will always be a part of it,  just because it makes me so very happy.

Evelyne Erni

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